Yoga Nidra

Yoga Nidra

In Yoga Nidra practice, body, mind and soul are in a state of conscious calm. Yoga sleep nidra also called “yogic sleep” is a powerful meditation technique in guided savasana that helps release emotions that have long been memorized.

What is yoga nidra ?

Founded by Swami Shantimurti Saraswati, Yoga Nidra is one of the easiest yoga practices if the person learns to let go. During Yoga Nidra meditation, the practitioner is in the savasana, and plunges into a state of mind between waking and sleeping (samadhi) following the voice and instructions. the goal is to access the deeper layers of the mind and develop creative visualization. Most of the meditation is focused on observing the body while avoiding falling asleep. Yoga Nidra can be practiced at any time of the day and is particularly effective after a day of stressful work.

Here are five benefits to developing a yoga nidra practice.

1. Everyone can do yoga nidra
Intense sequences of vinyasa and long asanas are sometimes restrictive. Yoga nidra, however, is a practice that everyone can practice – from kids to seniors. All your body needs to do is lie on the floor. And even if you can not lie on the floor, you can still do your sitting practice.

2. You can not practice yoga nidra incorrectly
When you lie down, in the savasana, all you have to do is follow the voice that guides you. Falling asleep is good too, as you will continue to enjoy the benefits of the nidra while your unconscious mind absorbs the practice.

3. Yoga Nidra is easy to integrate into your daily life
Yoga nidra is always guided, so there is no intense reflection. A yoga nidra practice can last as long as five minutes as an hour. You may find that the best way to adopt a yoga nidra practice is to incorporate it into your daily bedtime routine. Although this is not the most conventional way to practice yoga nidra, put the headphones on, train yourself right in your bed, then let go to sleep.

4. It’s a simple way to reduce stress
Yoga Nidra promotes deep rest and relaxation that may not be found in your mindfulness meditation practice.

5. Yoga Nidra offers the opportunity to get to know yourself intimately
Some people aspire to the deep relaxation that this practice installs, while others indulge in that state of non-judgment and security that yoga nidra provides. Yoga nidra offers a space to explore what you need in the present moment, as well as an opportunity to work on releasing long-standing emotions. During yoga nidra, you can feel an emotion and face “what you want to overcome” without having to “dive in” completely – It is a way to avoid feeling the emotion so strongly that you become overwhelmed.

Infos about yoga nidra

Yoga Nidra is a simple way to meditate and can be easily integrated into everyday life. The practice of this relaxation has proven its ability to reduce anxiety and its symptoms such as headaches, vertigo, chest pain, palpitations, sweating and abdominal pain.