
Are you a beginner? Coming to practice for the first time?

At Om yoga, everyone is welcome, regardless of your flexibility, fitness, age, weight or level of practice. Our classes are open to beginners. Do your best, be gentle with yourself, yoga is first learning. You will share group lessons with students of a more advanced level: use them as an example, never as a comparison object! Let yourself go at your own pace, learn to listen to your body and soon progress will appear.

Before your first class, please arrive at least 30 minutes in advance to have the time to register and take your bearings.

In class, the teachers will tell you how to perform the postures correctly or give you the modifications if necessary.

Each teacher will be at your disposal after class to advise you and answer your questions.

At the end of your test week, we welcome you to talk about your practice, your expectations and your goals. We are at your disposal to guide you in your choices. This first interview will allow us to build your client file, the basis of our personalized follow-up.

Trial week of unlimited courses – 390dh

+ an interview at the end of the week to accompany you in your choices.

Why a week of introduction and not a trial class?
Our goal is to give you the opportunity to really discover yoga. The first class is often destabilizing and you may be discouraged. Yoga is a discipline that requires time, one learns patience, and indulgence towards oneself. Give yourself this chance! The discovery week is first of all a way to discover the center, the teachers and to taste the different types of yoga. For the rest, trust your practice.

One week, is it enough to love yoga?
No. For most people, yoga initiation is not easy. Yoga means “union” of body and mind. Often, the body embarrasses us by its stiffness or lack of training. The mind has difficulty letting go, draining of stress and everyday considerations. By force of practice, you will learn to tame one and the other. The postures will become easier and your mind will come out with growth. To love yoga is to get to know each other. What a beautiful project!

What should I bring in class?
In yoga class, you will need a yoga mat, a large towel, possibly a small towel and a bottle of water. You can bring your yoga mat if it meets the standards of the discipline. Otherwise, carpets and towels are available for rent and bottles of water for sale at the studio. If you have long hair, make sure that it is are well secured in order to practice comfortably.

How do I prepare for the course?
If you practice a hot yoga form, make sure you drink plenty of water all day long. It is best not to eat 3 hours before practice. If you come for a morning class, do not have breakfast. If you are hungry, take a banana, dried fruit or a hot drink. Coffee or any exciting drink is not recommended. Same for milk, this is difficult to digest. If you are taking a class in the afternoon, have a light meal. Practicing with an empty stomach facilitates breathing and circulation of energy.

Do I have to be slender and flexible to practice yoga?
No! Yoga is for everyone and above all, for all bodies. Yoga is not a performance and the first lesson to be learned from your practice is letting go.

I have a health problem, can I practice yoga?
It really depends on your problem. We have students who have high blood pressure, asthma, bone or muscle injuries. Before class, please inform the teacher of your physical condition or any injuries that may limit your practice.

How often should I practice?
Ideally, yoga practice should be daily. If your work or lifestyle does not allow this, we recommend that you come at least 3-4 times a week to experience the benefits of yoga.

What is the difference between yoga and other forms of exercise?
Most sports or other physical activities focus on muscle development and endurance. Yoga postures work on muscles, internal organs, glands, joints.
Yoga also emphasizes breathing. Slow, deep breathing improves breathing capacity as well as the circulation of meaning and reduces stress.
Yoga is scientifically proven as an anti stress, a therapeutic opportunity for many injuries and diseases.

What clothing for the yoga class?
We recommend a light and well-fitting outfit where you can stretch. Please do not wear too thick of an outfit in a hot yoga class. For flow and Vinyasa classes, we recommend leggings for women and cycling shorts for men. Some postures require to lift the legs. All jewelry is forbidden as you could hurt yourself.

Good course to all!